
Event Staff – Promotional Staff – Promotional Models 

If you are considering promotional staff for your next event, consider thePromoAgency for all your event staffing needs.

How Can We Help You?

    Event Staff| Promotional Models| Brand Ambassadors
    Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, Townsville

    Melbourne Event Staff – thePromoAgency

    Our Event Staff team are able to assist you in every way, shape and form. The Event Staff roster is full of eager and enthusiastic guys and girls who are bubbling with excitement to work on your next project. They can assist you with undertaking instore sampling, handing out flyers, and even doing guerilla style activations in the street. Our staff are also able to engage with your target demographic and refer warm leads to you. By utilising our staff to represent your brand, you create time for yourself to focus on more important aspects or to simply relax and enjoy the spotlight.

    [wcp_image_hover style=”44″ image_id=”313″ title=”Event Staff” link=””]
    [wcp_image_hover style=”44″ image_id=”315″ title=”Promotional Staff” link=””]
    [wcp_image_hover style=”44″ title=”Brand Ambassadors” image_id=”231″ link=””]

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    DESIGN+ SEO : Nickita Knight